Thursday, September 30, 2010

Single Parents with Special Needs Children in Abject Poverty

Did you know that many single parents with special needs children are in abject poverty within 2 years of divorce? When you think about it, it makes sense. Things are often more difficult financially after divorce. Two households are now trying to make ends meet on income that might not have been enough for one household before divorce. Also, when both parents are living together, they can avoid some childcare costs by taking turns with the children while the other parent works, runs errands, etc. When there is no other parent in the house, childcare costs are often higher. When there is a child with a disability or special need, the primary caregiver parent sometimes has to work part-time or not at all, in order to take care of the child. Taking care of a child with significant disabilities can be a full-time job. So do the math, and it is not surprising, after all, that many single parents with special needs children are in abject poverty within 2 years of divorce.