Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action conference

I spoke at the Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action national conference in Kansas City last Friday. It was a fantastic conference, with an amazing amount of valuable content. There were 15 sessions going on at one time, but everything ran smoothly. The organizers really know what they are doing. I highly recommend the conference. If you missed it this year, check it out for next year!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Autism Kindle book

My new book has just launched on Amazon as a Kindle book! "Awesome Autism Quotes: Inspiration, Humor & Reflections."

Friday, March 5, 2010

It Doesn't Matter What They Call It

There is a massive outcry now because of the controversy on autism, the autism spectrum and Asperger's syndrome.
Who cares what you call it? Those are just labels. Each person's autism (or whatever you want to call it) is different.
It is time we stopped seeing the labels and started seeing the people - the beautiful individuals.