Thursday, September 30, 2010

Single Parents with Special Needs Children in Abject Poverty

Did you know that many single parents with special needs children are in abject poverty within 2 years of divorce? When you think about it, it makes sense. Things are often more difficult financially after divorce. Two households are now trying to make ends meet on income that might not have been enough for one household before divorce. Also, when both parents are living together, they can avoid some childcare costs by taking turns with the children while the other parent works, runs errands, etc. When there is no other parent in the house, childcare costs are often higher. When there is a child with a disability or special need, the primary caregiver parent sometimes has to work part-time or not at all, in order to take care of the child. Taking care of a child with significant disabilities can be a full-time job. So do the math, and it is not surprising, after all, that many single parents with special needs children are in abject poverty within 2 years of divorce.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Some jerk hacked into my email account today and sent out messages to people in my address book, saying that I was in London, had been robbed at gunpoint and needed money. PLEASE disregard that stupid email - I did NOT send it! I have anti-virus and anti-hacker software on my email account, but apparently it did not work. I heard it could have something to do with the fact that AOL and Facebook are now somehow connected, and that this is happening to alot of people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action conference

I spoke at the Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action national conference in Kansas City last Friday. It was a fantastic conference, with an amazing amount of valuable content. There were 15 sessions going on at one time, but everything ran smoothly. The organizers really know what they are doing. I highly recommend the conference. If you missed it this year, check it out for next year!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Autism Kindle book

My new book has just launched on Amazon as a Kindle book! "Awesome Autism Quotes: Inspiration, Humor & Reflections."

Friday, March 5, 2010

It Doesn't Matter What They Call It

There is a massive outcry now because of the controversy on autism, the autism spectrum and Asperger's syndrome.
Who cares what you call it? Those are just labels. Each person's autism (or whatever you want to call it) is different.
It is time we stopped seeing the labels and started seeing the people - the beautiful individuals.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Special Needs Community getting along better

I am so glad to see the special needs community has had much less in-fighting lately. We need to help each other, and not attack each other. Whatever differences we may have in beliefs about certain treatments, medications, diets, supplements, the bottom line is that we are a community. We should use our energy to help each other. As Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Blessings, friends.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Resource for Families

Our families need information specially written for their unique needs, to survive when going through the divorce courts. I have created a new website,, on which I have click and print booklets packed with information our families need when going through divorce with special needs children. More click and print booklet will be added every month.

New book

I have written another book to help our families. The law book I wrote for the lawyers and judges, The Special Needs Child and Divorce, was published in April 2009 by the American Bar Association. It is just now available on Amazon.

The newest book is a guide for parents. Divorce and the Special Needs Child: A Parent Guide is being published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Jessica Kingsley Publishers is the world's leading publisher of autism and special needs books. The publication date for this book is June 15, 2010. JKP has already placed it on Amazon for pre-orders.

Our families are finally getting the resources we need to get a fair shake when our families go through divorce!

Temple Grandin HBO movie

I understand that the Temple Grandin movie will be available on DVD in August 2010. Good news for those of us who do not subscribe to HBO!